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 Medical Camps

Linked to Care and Treatment

Households visited by our CHVs 

Home Care 

Royal Care Foundation is committed to enhancing the health and well-being of vulnerable and marginalized communities

Royal Care Foundation is committed to enhancing the health and overall well-being of vulnerable and marginalized communities in Kenya. Our mission is driven by the recognition that access to quality healthcare is a fundamental human right, and we are dedicated to addressing the pressing healthcare challenges faced by underserved populations in the region. One of our core initiatives is to provide essential healthcare services to those who need them the most.

Royal Care Foundation recognizes the importance of empowerment in creating lasting change

Royal Care Foundation recognizes the importance of empowerment in creating lasting change. We firmly believe that strengthening the capacity and resilience of individuals is essential for sustainable community development. We run empowerment programs tailored to the unique needs of women, adolescent girls, and the elderly.

Featured Projects

Mobile Hospital Bus
Bringing Healthcare to You

Our commitment to enhancing the health and well-being of Kenya's vulnerable and marginalized communities takes center stage with the Mobile Hospital Bus Project. This innovative initiative delivers essential medical services directly to those who need them most, ensuring that quality healthcare is accessible even in the most remote areas. Join us in revolutionizing healthcare delivery and creating healthier, empowered communities across Kenya.

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HIV Prevention Initiative

HIV prevention initiative by Royal Care Foundation aims to reduce the incidence of HIV through a multi-faceted approach combining education, prevention, and access to care. This project focuses on key and vulnerable populations, providing them with the necessary tools, knowledge, and support to protect themselves against HIV.

Women’s Empowerment Initiative

Women Empowerment initiative by Royal Care Foundation is designed to enhance the capacity and resilience of women, enabling them to become self-reliant and active contributors to their communities. By providing comprehensive training in vocational skills, financial literacy, and leadership development, the project aims to empower women to improve their lives and positively impact their families and communities.

Empowering Communities to Eradicate Female Genital Mutilation

The Royal Care Foundation is dedicated to eradicating Female Genital Mutilation (FGM) in Kenya. Recognizing the severe physical and psychological impact of FGM on girls and women, our project aims to empower communities through education, advocacy, and support services, fostering a future where every girl can thrive free from harm.

Cancer Screening, Awareness, and Prevention Initiative

Cancer Screening, Awareness, and Prevention initiative by Royal Care Foundation aims to reduce cancer incidence and improve outcomes through a comprehensive approach focusing on screening, awareness, and prevention. This project targets key and vulnerable populations, providing them with essential tools, knowledge, and support to combat cancer effectively.

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HIV Care and Treatment Initiative

HIV Care and Treatment initiative by Royal Care Foundation aims to enhance the quality of life for people living with HIV through comprehensive care and treatment services. This project focuses on improving access to healthcare, promoting adherence to antiretroviral therapy (ART), and providing holistic support to ensure the well-being and resilience of HIV-positive individuals.

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